Understanding Breastfeeding
with Candace Crocker BSN RN IBCLC, LincolnHealth Childbirth Education
Our classes reflect Lincoln Hospital's dedication to our philosophy of family-centered care. Classes are taught by an Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant from the family birth center who will bring her knowledge and experience to her teaching. We will review how milk is made, why breastfeeding is so important, feeding cues and positions and so much more. We use short videos and discussion to ensure you and your baby are off to a great start! Also covered is prenatal colostrum harvesting as well as hand expression, pumping and storage of breastmilk. The class is informal and allows for open discussion. Please call the Lincoln Hospital Family Birth Center for questions at: 207.563.4536
Session 1: Jun 18th, 2025
from 5:00 - 7:30 pmRegisterFree
Miles Maternity & Obstetrics
35 Miles St.
Damariscotta, ME 04543
Get directions
Room: third floor waiting room