Pumping Milk at Work
with Erin Kirkpatrick, Mid Coast Maternity
This virtual session allows you to discuss how your feeding journey has gone so far and how you would like it to go moving forward. The topics include:
- Pump/flange education
- Setting up a pumping schedule at work
- Conversations to have with your childcare provider
- Bottle feeding
- Building up a milk stash
- Maintaining a milk supply
- Helpful products and resources
We recommend taking this session at least 5 weeks prior to returning to work if possible. Please email Erin Kirkpatrick at erin@lighthouselactationmaine.com to schedule your session.
Session 1
Will run
Online Class
For more info, call us at 207-899-8121
This program is offered by Mid Coast Maternity
. For more information, contact 207-899-8121.