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Prenatal Care & Childbirth
Childbirth Education One-Day Express In Person (2025)
with Certified Educator, MMC Childbirth Education

The registration fee includes costs for the registrant and one support person. To avoid duplicate charges, please register only ONE participant per class. A receipt will be provided for insurance reimbursement purposes. Reimbursement is subject to individual insurance plans, refer to your plan for additional information.
If you cannot afford the registration fee due to financial hardship, please contact childbirth education at .
Rescheduling or canceling your class registration can be done by contacting Refunds for class cancelations include a 10% processing fee. No refunds will be given after class begins.
We are offering this class in person. Classes are held at the Dana Center Maine Medical Center, 22 Bramhall Street, Portland. You will receive directions to parking and the classroom once you have registered.
The One-Day Express Course covers all of the same information as the Childbirth Education weekly evening series in one full day.
Recommended for all first-time pregnant people and their birth partners, this class is designed to provide you and your labor partner with the information, skills, and resources to prepare you for the birth of your baby.
- Introduction to Labor & Delivery You can expect to learn the stages and phases of labor, what to expect physically and emotionally, the importance of labor support, and more. You will also see birth videos.
- Practical Skills and Comfort Measures You will learn comfort measures such as relaxation, breathing, and positions that you can use both at home and while at the hospital. Even mothers planning to use medication for pain relief will utilize skills to manage labor prior to and in conjunction with the use of medication.
- Medications and Interventions Be an active participant in the decisions that affect you and your baby. Learn about induction of labor, unplanned cesareans, vacuum, fetal monitoring and more. Whether you are planning on using pain medications, or just want to understand the available options, you will take home the information you need to make informed decisions about pain relief.
We recommend attending this class between the 28th and 32nd week of pregnancy.
Infant Care Basics
with Erin Kirkpatrick, Mid Coast Maternity

In this 3 hour virtual course, we talk about how to care for your newborn when you bring them home, what to expect during the first few months, and how to be well prepared. Topics include:
- Sleep habits
- Laying a strong sleep foundation
- Bottle and formula feeding (separate breastfeeding class)
- Diapering & Digestion
- Soothing techniques
- Safety Guidelines
- Common ailments
- Postpartum Coping and Preparation
We recommend taking this between 30-35 weeks if possible. Only one parent needs to register, but all can attend. Please join us to build your confidence in caring for your newborn!
You will receive an email from the instructor with a zoom link 1 week prior to the scheduled class.
Will run
Newborn Sleep (0-3 mos): Setting the Foundations (2025)
with Jenna Marion, MMC Childbirth Education

Registration fee covers the cost of registrant and one support person. Please register only ONE participant for a class so that you will not be charged twice. A receipt will be issued which can be utilized to submit to your insurance company. Reimbursement is dependent upon individual plans, refer to your plan for additional information.
If you cannot afford the registration fee due to financial hardship, please contact childbirth education at .
Rescheduling or canceling your class registration can be done by contacting Refunds for class cancelations include a 10% processing fee. No refunds will be given after class begins.
This newborn sleep shaping class is for pregnant persons at any gestation and new parents with babies up to 12 weeks. During this class parents will learn how to set the foundations in the newborn period for healthy infant sleep. Topics discussed will include what to expect in the fourth trimester, newborn soothing strategies, the science behind sleep, developmental milestones, how to create a sleep conducive environment, how to encourage independent sleep, how and when to stop swaddling and realistic expectations regarding night wakings and feedings. We will also discuss planning for going back to work and transitioning to daycare.
Non-birthing partners are encouraged to attend.
This class is currently offered virtually via Zoom. After you are regisitered, you will receive an email with information as to how to participate in class.
You will also receive FREE ACCESS to a recorded version of Infant Sleep 101: Surviving the 4-Month Sleep Regression & Beyond.
If you have any questions please contact Jenna Marion directly at
Breastfeeding Class
with Kimberley Paradee BSN RN CLC, LincolnHealth Childbirth Education

Our classes reflect Lincoln Hospital's dedication to our philosophy of family-centered care. This class is taught by Kimberley Paradee, a Registered Nurse and Certified Lactation Counselor and Certified Nurse Midwife, Julie Virgin, from the family birth center who will bring their knowledge and experience to their teaching. We will review how breastmilk is made, why breastfeeding is so important, feeding cues and positions and so much more. We use short videos and discussion to ensure you and your baby are off to a great start! The class is informal and allows for open discussion. Please call the Lincoln Hospital Family Birth Center for questions at: 207.563.4536
Preparing for Labor & Birth
with Erin Kirkpatrick, Mid Coast Maternity

Join us for an in-depth discussion of what to expect when the time comes to give birth to your baby!
Part 1 is in-person at MidCoast Hospital. During this 3 hour session, you will learn about the three phases of labor, how to cope, and how to be a supportive partner. We will discuss many coping strategies, as well as practice laboring positions and hands-on support techniques. This session also includes a tour of the maternity unit and birthing rooms. Session 1 is from 9:30am-1:00pm.
Part 2 is held the next day via zoom. During this 2.5 hour session, you will learn about the various pain medication options that are available, what is involved in inductions and c-sections, what to expect with your newborn and your hospital stay, as well as how to be more prepared for the postpartum period. For 2024 classes session 2 will be from 3:00-5:30pm. For 2025 classes session 2 will be 9:00-11:30am.
Partners/support people are encouraged to attend but do not need to register online. We recommend taking this course between 30-35 weeks if possible. Our hope is that you will leave this educational weekend feeling like you have the knowledge you need to make informed decisions, and the confidence to navigate the transition from pregnancy to parenthood. We look forward to working with you!
You will receive an email from the instructor 1 week prior to the scheduled class with the zoom link for part 2.
Grandparents (2025)
with Ellen Kunkle, MMC Childbirth Education

Registration fee covers the cost of registrant and one support person. Please register only ONE participant for a class so that you will not be charged twice. If you cannot afford the registration fee due to financial hardship, please contact childbirth education at
Rescheduling or canceling your class registration can be done by contacting Refunds for class cancelations include a 10% processing fee. No refunds will be given after class begins.
Things have really changed since you became a parent! This class will cover communication between grandparents and the new parents; how grandparents can help during pregnancy, birth and after baby is born; current guidelines for infant care and infant safety; and ways to bond with your new grandchild.
We recommend attending this class between the 32nd and 36th week of pregnancy.
We are offering this class online. After you are registered, shortly before the class starts you will receive an email with information as to how to participate in the class. Thank you for understanding.
Siblings In Person (2025)
with Ellen Kunkle, MMC Childbirth Education

This class will help children prepare for the special occasion of becoming a big brother or sister. Big brothers and sisters will watch an age-appropriate video and learn to diaper their doll or teddy bear. Siblings will also learn what to expect during parents and baby's hospital stay, what newborn babies look like and act like, and how they can help parents with the new baby.
We recommend attending this class between the 32nd and 36th week of pregnancy.
Classes are held at the Dana Center Maine Medical Center, 22 Bramhall Street, Portland. All class participants should enter through the main entrance and be issued a Visitors badge. You will be directed to the Charles Dana Education Center where the class instructor will be downstairs to meet you.
Parking: Parking is available in the visitors Parking Garage on Congress Street. Parking near the hospital is limited and parking for more than 1 hour may result in a fine.
Will run
Baby Basics In Person (2025)
with Certified Educator, MMC Childbirth Education

The registration fee includes costs for the registrant and one support person. To avoid duplicate charges, please register only ONE participant per class. A receipt will be provided for insurance reimbursement purposes. Reimbursement is subject to individual insurance plans, refer to your plan for additional information.
If you cannot afford the registration fee due to financial hardship, please contact childbirth education at
Rescheduling or canceling your class registration can be done by contacting Refunds for class cancelations include a 10% processing fee. No refunds will be given after class begins.
We are offering this class in person. Classes are held at the Dana Center Maine Medical Center, 22 Bramhall Street, Portland. You will receive directions to parking and the classroom once you have registered.
Expectant first time parents can learn about common newborn needs and behaviors and how to prepare for bringing baby home. This class includes information about how to care for and comfort a newborn, feeding, safe sleep and other ways to keep your baby safe, and tips on how to make this newborn period an easier transition for you.
We recommend attending this class between the 32nd and 36th week of pregnancy.
Will run