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Midcoast Region
MidCoast Mamas
with Erin Kirkpatrick, Mid Coast Maternity

Please join our postpartum support group to find the village you deserve! You will get to meet other new moms and find out that many of the struggles you may be experiencing are common and you are not alone. You will also get good ideas for coping. We vent, we celebrate, we cry, we encourage, we drink coffee and eat snacks! You can weigh your baby here and ask any questions at all to another mother or a nurse.
The group meets every Wednesday morning at 10:30am at MidCoast Hospital. Sometimes we meet in Conference Room 1, right next to the cafeteria. If that room is not available, our back up location is the waiting room outside the Maternity unit. The group is led by our breast/bottle feeding specialists. Mothers will children 0-7 months are welcome.
Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention, Rockport
with Community Health, MaineHealth Pen Bay Hospital and Waldo Hospital Events

Tai Chi is a low-impact exercise that is easy on the joints and good for your whole body. Join instructors Vikki Webster and Abigail LaCasse, both certified in Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention, for this seven-session beginner-level class to increase your strength, flexibility, balance and overall sense of well-being. No previous Tai Chi experience necessary.
*Registration is required due to a limited number of seats available in this class.*
Happy Wanderers Guided Hike: April
with Community Health and Coastal Mountains Land Trust, MaineHealth Pen Bay Hospital and Waldo Hospital Events

Join members from the MaineHealth Center for Health Improvement Community Health department at Pen Bay and Waldo Hospitals in partnership with Coastal Mountains Land Trust to get outdoors and stay active with guided hikes year-round.
This April, we’ll hike approximately 2 miles along the St. George River on the Appleton Preserve Trail, owned and maintained by our friends at Georges River Land Trust (GRLT). All are welcome! It’s spring! It may be muddy! Dress accordingly.
No pets, please.
This group meets at trailheads throughout Knox and Waldo counties, usually on the first Thursday of each month.
A Matter of Balance: Rockland
with Community Health, MaineHealth Pen Bay Hospital and Waldo Hospital Events

Join staff from the Community Health team for an eight-week Matter of Balance series located at & co-sponsored by the Rockland Public Library.
There will be NO CLASS on April 21st or May 26th - both are holidays!
Many older adults experience a fear of falling. People who develop this fear often limit their activities, which can result in physical weakness, making the risk of falling even greater. A Matter of Balance is a program designed for community dwelling adults age 60 and older to increase activity levels and reduce the fear of falling. If you are concerned about falls, have sustained falls in the past, or are interested in improving your flexibility, balance and strength, this class is for you.
*Registration is required due to a limited number of seats available in this class.*
Please call (207) 301-3950 with any questions.
Food for Health <click here>
with Tim Howe MD, Mid Coast Center for Community Health and Wellness

A FREE monthly series that provides cooking demonstrations and education showing how chronic disease can be prevented, treated and even reversed with a plant-based diet for an overall healthier lifestyle.
Presentations by Timothy Howe, MD
Food Demonstrations by Sheryl McWilliams RN, MPH and Lyn Howe, MPH
Mid Coast Center for Community Health & Wellness Teaching Kitchen, 329 Maine Street in Brunswick
Registration is required.
Understanding Breastfeeding
with Candace Crocker BSN RN IBCLC, LincolnHealth Childbirth Education

Our classes reflect Lincoln Hospital's dedication to our philosophy of family-centered care. Classes are taught by an Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant from the family birth center who will bring her knowledge and experience to her teaching. We will review how milk is made, why breastfeeding is so important, feeding cues and positions and so much more. We use short videos and discussion to ensure you and your baby are off to a great start! Also covered is prenatal colostrum harvesting as well as hand expression, pumping and storage of breastmilk. The class is informal and allows for open discussion. Please call the Lincoln Hospital Family Birth Center for questions at: 207.563.4536
Will run
Preparing for Labor & Birth
with Erin Kirkpatrick, Mid Coast Maternity

Join us for an in-depth discussion of what to expect when the time comes to give birth to your baby!
Part 1 is in-person at MidCoast Hospital. During this 3.5 hour session, you will learn about the three phases of labor, how to cope, and how to be a supportive partner. We will discuss many coping strategies, as well as practice laboring positions and hands-on support techniques. This session also includes a tour of the maternity unit and birthing rooms. Session 1 is from 9:30am-1:00pm.
Part 2 is held the next day via zoom. During this 3 hour session, you will learn about the various pain medication options that are available, what is involved in inductions and c-sections, what to expect with your newborn and your hospital stay, as well as how to be more prepared for the postpartum period. Session 2 will be 9:00am-12:00pm.
Partners/support people are encouraged to attend but do not need to register online. We recommend taking this course between 30-35 weeks if possible. Our hope is that you will leave this educational weekend feeling like you have the knowledge you need to make informed decisions, and the confidence to navigate the transition from pregnancy to parenthood. We look forward to working with you!
You will receive an email from the instructor 1 week prior to the scheduled class with the zoom link for part 2. Please check your spam/junk folder for emails from
Breastfeeding for Beginners
with Erin Kirkpatrick, Mid Coast Maternity

Join us for a 3 hour virtual session loaded with all the info you will need to get breastfeeding off to a great start!
Topics will include:
- What to do to prepare during your pregnancy
- How to get a good latch
- How to establish a strong milk supply
- How to navigate bumps in the road
- How to introduce pumping and bottlefeeding
- Postpartum resources available
- So much more!
Partners are encouraged to be present as well but do not need to be registered. We recommend taking this between 30-35 weeks if possible. Join us to feel empowered about starting your feeding journey!
You will receive an email from the instructor with a zoom link 1 week prior to the scheduled class. Please check your spam/junk folder for emails from
Will run