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New Parents Circle
with Ellen Kunkle, MMC Childbirth Education

Come together to share the story of your parenting journey and receive support and inspiration from other new parents.
Discussion topics include sleep, feeding, nurturing yourself, and relationship changes. This group is flexible to address your own needs and concerns. This group is facilitated by a childbirth educator who is also a trained doula and breastfeeding counselor.
This group meets in person (with a hybrid Zoom option, too) at the MaineHealth Medical Building, 5 Bucknam Rd, Falmouth. (Ground floor, lots of parking!)
This group meets every Thursday morning from 10am - 12pm. Please register here. When you register you will receive the zoom link to log in.
The group is free but registration is required. Join anytime throughout the year. New members are always welcome!
Breastfeeding Support Group (2025)
with Brooke Cottman, MMC Childbirth Education

This free peer support group is a great opportunity to meet other new breastfeeding parents in your community, share experiences, and receive postpartum and newborn care information and support. A lactation consultant facilitates the group and can answer your questions.
Please register here to receive log-in or call-in information for this weekly group which meets on Tuesdays 9:30am - 11:30am.
This group meets in person (with a hybrid Zoom option, too) at the MaineHealth Medical Building, 5 Bucknam Rd, Falmouth. (Ground floor, lots of parking!)
FREE but registration is required to receive Zoom info. Join anytime throughout the year. New members are always welcome!
Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster
with Heidi Mrazik, Mid Coast Center for Community Health and Wellness

Developed by Peggy Huddleston, MTS, the Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster program follows five steps to help patients prepare for surgery using mind-body techniques:
- Feel calmer before surgery
- Use less pain medication
- Recover faster
Workshops participants are require to purchase the book, Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster ($14.95) and its companion Relaxation/Healing CD or MP3 download ($19.95). The book, eBook & Relaxation CD can be ordered at .
A donation of $35 pays for your workshop. A larger donation keeps the program going and provides support for those who are unable to afford it. If you are unable to make a donation, the workshop is free.
WORKSHOP PRESENTER: Heidi Mrazik, is a Holistic Certified Registered Nurse with a background primarily in Emergency Medicine. She prepares individuals 1:1 and in group workshops for surgery using techniques from Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster: A Guide of Mind-Body Techniques. Meetings can be in person, by telephone or in virtual classes.
AUTHOR: Peggy Huddleston, MTS, is the author of Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster: A Guide of Mind Body Techniques. She trains health care professionals to teach her workshop for people facing surgery. She is a principal investigator of the research project, Patient-Centered Techniques to Enhance Surgical Outcomes, at the New England Baptist Hospital, a Tufts and Harvard Medical School teaching hospital in Boston.
Running Start Medical Gym at Parkview <click here>
with Running Start Exercise Physiologists, Mid Coast Center for Community Health and Wellness

Supervised medical exercise consisting of an initial fitness assessment and progressive resistance training, flexibility exercises, and a cardiovascular program.
A clinical exercise physiologist facilitates this program.
* Please DO NOT register prior to completing your Intake and being assigned a class time.
* Medical Release from a physician and Waiver of Liability are required prior to participation. Once your Medical Release has been received, an exercise physiologist will contact you to schedule an Intake Appointment.
Will run
Running Start Track at Bowdoin <click here>
with Running Start Exercise Physiologists, Mid Coast Center for Community Health and Wellness

Running Start is a co-ed exercise program for all age groups that incorporates the proper technique of warm-up, stretching, calisthenics, and aerobic exercise tailored to your personal needs. The classes allow everyone to increase or maintain their fitness level in their own way. A clinical exercise physiologist facilitates this program.
Medical Release from a physician and Waiver of Liability are required prior to participation.
Regular physical activity improves your cardiovascular system, muscle tone, and flexibility, as well as reduces the risk of heart disease, the number one killer of adults in the United States. If you increase your physical activity level, you will improve your quality of life. You'll look better, feel better, and have more energy to enjoy your leisure time.
Will run
Running Start Swim at Bowdoin <click here>
with Running Start Exercise Physiologists, Mid Coast Center for Community Health and Wellness

Running Start Swim is a co-ed exercise program for all age groups with shallow-end aerobics and lane swimming. A clinical exercise physiologist facilitates this program.
Medical Release from a physician and Waiver of Liability are required prior to participation.
Regular physical activity improves your cardiovascular system, muscle tone, and flexibility, as well as reduces the risk of heart disease, the number one killer of adults in the United States. If you increase your physical activity level, you will improve your quality of life. You'll look better, feel better, and have more energy to enjoy your leisure time.
Will run
Tour of the Family Birth Center (2025)

PLEASE NOTE: This fee is non-refundable. You do not need a separate registration for your partner. One registration is good for 2 people.
* There is always a chance that all of the rooms are full and we are unable to view one
*Please be sure to register for 1 tour only to ensure that there is room for everyone who would like to attend a tour. Do not register for multiple tours, thank you!
After you are registered you will receive details of where to meet, etc. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you soon!
*Please note for our Winter tours: If the weather forecasts unsafe driving conditions, the tour will be cancelled. Be sure to check your email! We will do our best to reschedule you tour. If where you are coming from has bad weather, please reschedule a tour with us!
Understanding Parkinson’s Disease
with William Stamey MD, Mid Coast Center for Community Health and Wellness

Mid Coast Hospital offers many informational programs to aid people with Parkinson’s disease and assist in maintaining their quality of life.
To learn more about your diagnosis, the options available and the services we offer, join William P. Stamey, MD; Roople Unia, MD; Ingrid Ordal, LCSW; Leah Harvey, PT; Kristin Pelkey, PT; Erin Faulter, PT and a patient and caregiver panel at this informative discussion.
MaineHealth Community Health Brunswick, 329 Maine Street, Brunswick, ME 04011
Registration is required.
For more information call 207-373-6585.